July 21, 2012


As a teenager I despised lists! Lists were something my mama left my sister and I when she went to work: do the dishes, make your bed, clean your room, mow the grass and so on and so on and so on! I loathed those lists! They were always a piece of paper that stood in my way of fun. Darn those lists and believe me, my mama was a tough cookie.........those lists HAD to be done! It is funny how those lists seem a little more appropriate the older we get.

Now I have lists for everything!!!! I have a grocery list, I have a honey do list, I have a list of things I need to talk to the doctor about.......you get my point, my days are full of lists! There are times I resent the lists strewn out in front of me but it is necessary. Lupus demands a lot of lists! So many lists and not enough time in the day to finish them off.

One list of mine that has not gotten older and has not burdened me is my list of things I want to do in this life. My list consists of places to go, food to eat, activities to try and everything else you can think of in between! It's these lists that keep my spirits up and these lists give me something to look forward to. Here are a few items on my life list today............

Dance in the rain
Run through puddles and not think of the mud
Kiss in the rain
Snuggle in bed with my husband and child
Get lost in New York
Visit Germany and see where my life actually started
Go up in a hot air balloon
Scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef
Backpack through New Zealand
Drive through Africa and listen to the lions while I fall a sleep
Have all of my friends from around the world in one room at the same time
Have a song written about me and my silly ways
Camp in every National Park
Be a mom
Be a wife
Be a best friend
Shop in Anthropology and NOT worry about how much I spend
Spend a weekend shopping for antiques
Eat anything I want and not worry about my wobbly bits
Be the best sister I can possibly be
Be the cool aunt that everyone wants to be around
Have a puppy named Sarah 
Remember for one moment what it felt like to not be sick
Have the comfort of unconditional love
Don't worry about dying
Don't worry about anything
Taste the best cupcake in the world
Chase a kangaroo
Hold a koala bear
Swim with the dolphins
Watch sea turtles make there way out of the sea
Ride in a helicopter over the Grand Canyon...............and so on and so on!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could go on and on forever! That is the best part of life......your ability to live it and choose what it consists of. Each day only has twenty four hours. Hopefully eight of those hours are taken up with snores and amazing dreams! Those twenty four hours in the day will soon be yesterday and the lists of today become the list of things we just didn't get to. My life list will not be pushed to the side, instead it will be brought forward everyday. I will add to it the older I get and I will not look back to what I didn't get done yesterday but instead I will look  forward to the adventures of tomorrow.


  1. We'd better get busy! Hey wait! You've done some of those already!!

  2. Yes.......we have completed quite a few! There are still a few that I really want to happen;-) Team Tim all the way!!!!!!!
