September 9, 2012


I am a person not a patient. I deserve to be treated with kindness and respect in any situation I may find myself in. I have the right to speak up and have my words heard. I want to be loved deeply and truly. I am comfortable in my own skin. I may gain weight and loose weight but the women inside is always the same. I may have scars on the outside and move slower than most women at my age but I am free and running inside of my heart. I have so much to give but will not allow someone to steal all of that away. I am not defined by what I do for a living or by which disease I have. I am defined by the love I give, the beauty I see in this world and the respect I have for myself. I am in control of my own destiny and I can create the life I want live and deserve to have. I can choose the situations I put myself in and I can choose to walk away. No one can tell me what is best for me, only I know that. I am an educated women who has chosen to devote my time to myself and my healing. This does not make me less of a person. I still can give as much as I receive. I am thankful for everyday I have left in this life and I choose to live those days to the fullest. I choose not to cry when bad news comes knocking at my door, instead I grow taller inside and fight the battle that needs to be fought with fearlessness and determination. I am not less of a person if I ask for help. I am not weak if I need to lean on the shoulder of a friend. I am strong for knowing when I need to be surrounded by love. I am not afraid of what the future holds and I look at it with excitement and opportunity. I have Lupus but Lupus does not have me. 


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