As the new week begins and Monday comes to an end another week of bed rest starts. This week is filled with doctors appointment's on Tuesday and Thursdays but it seems that will be the only time I am able to spend time out of the confinements of my own room. I say my own room because walking to the kitchen or even to the car causes a massive coughing attack and an out of breath moment I want to avoid at all costs. So, unless I am in the doctors office I will be found in my bed covered in a blue fluffy blanket surrounded by sock monkeys and pictures of my family and friends.
It is funny how being stuck in bed you still have a favorite time of day. For me my most favorite time is when everyone starts coming home for the day. I hear people opening doors, greeting their loved ones and playing with their pups. Both of our neighbors have HUGE dogs and every night you can hear the excitement in their homes. The dog can not decide which way to go!!!!! Does he go up the stairs away from his loved ones or should he circle them in the small entry way? It is something so simple but so beautiful.
My neighbors used to annoy me to pieces! They would play their tv, music, video games, whatever it was until really late at night. Oh how angry I used to get! They were intruding on my calm and quiet night! I actually welcome these sounds now and the later they play them the better! Someday's this is the only tie I have to actually someone else living and breathing. I lay here in bed and try to guess exactly what it is I am hearing. Do I recognize this one? Does it have reoccurring beats that you could associate with video games or is that a crescendo that you can easily see occurring at the best part of a movie? Who knows!
Today was a tougher day than normal. I can normally pass the time away in bed by reading, watching movies and even coloring......yes, I said coloring! Today was a bit different I ended up sleeping in until 11:30 am. Do you ever have those dreams that are so real you wake up knowing that is what happened? I had one of those today. I had a normal dream about a normal day Tim and I would normally have and I woke up expecting him to be here until the massive amount of covers to the right of me. Once I really woke up I understood that was part of my dream and he was still in Chicago and I was still in bed resting. Everything was just off after that. I started running another fever and my cough is turning in to a bark and the dogs next door barked at me! Ok, this made me laugh! I just pictured this dog on the other side of the wall sleeping and he hears another dogs bark and he is alarmed BUT it was actually me, hehehehehehe!!!!!!!! This could turn into a game!
In the next hour I will start to hear the familiar sounds of everyone's days coming to an end. I will smell dinners being made and of course I will hear the eagerness of the family pets greeting their owners. I will fall asleep to thumps of music as I try to figure out exactly what the thumps are saying and tomorrow I will wake up to another quiet day in bed. I will watch the clock again until the end of the day approaches and my favorite part of the day begins.
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