I love dance!!!! My love for dance sprouted very early in my life. Holly and I would put on Debbie Gibson, Tiffany and young Madonna records and put on shows for our parents. We danced all the time!!!!!! When I was younger my mom decided to enroll me into dance class. I was clumsy but what could dance hurt?!?!?! So into ballet I went. Oh, ballet is beautiful don't get me wrong but it was not for me. My mom tells me the story of one show where I had danced in my pretty pink tutu and sat and watched the others perform. When the tappers came onto stage I cried to my mom..........but I want to make some noise too!!!!!!! So, off came the tutu and in its place were shiny patent leather shows with taps on the bottom that allowed me to make as much noise as I wanted.......maybe even tooooooo much noise for my mama.
As I got older I continued to dance. I practiced when I was forced to and performed at competitions and recitals until I was in my early teens. Dace was my life line and I loved it more that you could ever imagine. I continued with tap and jazz and never put on that tutu again!!!!!
I remember when Tim and I first met and I would dance around the kitchen as we cut veggies (no knife for me) and I would just step and twirl and bow! It was me showing him my innermost being. I loved dance and dance made my life beautiful.
As time went on and my Lupus acted up more and more and the ability to move fluidly disappeared and twirls were replaced with limps. My beautiful dancing feet had be stolen from me and in its it place there were these stumbling, numb things that did not belong to me. I loved to dance around the kitchen and spin around the room. I lost my beauty and sadness set in because I knew in my heart that as time marched on and my Lupus progressed dance would become a thing of the past...........something I used to do. It was one of the hardest realizations in my life. Movement now became something I had to do to eat or go to bed. Movement on someday's is impossible and I rely on others to help. Lupus robbed me of my dance and I want it back!
Again, I am faced with a choice and to me and my love the option is very clear..........I will continue to dance! I may not move my feet myself but others can. I bask in the beauty others express as they move and interpret the music. I close my eyes and I can also move. You see, I will always be a dancer. I respect movement and what it shows to the world. I will always dance with my heart open wide! I will raise my arms to the sun and spin around even if it is only for a moment. I am a dancer and boy can I still make some noise!
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