August 7, 2013


Life passes through us so quickly. Time continues to tick even when you would love it to pause for just one moment. Therefore it is so important to stop at least once everyday and look around you and take in the exact moment yo are in. We are all so busy that we sometimes forget to stop and smell the roses. I stay at home right now and yes, I tend to keep myself very busy and my loved ones will even say that I overextend myself and push my limits. However, there are moments during the day where silence creeps in and I find myself lost in my thoughts. I remember moments from the past, dream about the future and take in the present. So today during one of those quiet moments I asked myself........where do I see myself in five years?

I see myself living a happy life surrounded by the most amazing friends and family, just as I am now. I see that family growing as new ones are born and I see my heart aching remembering those we have lost. I see myself growing as an individual with an autoimmune disease. I want to continue to educate my friends and family as well as strangers. I want to spread awareness and show the world that someone who has a disease can live a beautiful life that is fulfilled with every hope and dream one can have! I see myself growing with my better half and chasing a pup through the yard! I can not wait to continue to watch my Mia and Lou Lou grow into the young ladies they are meant to be. I am excited to be a part of my dear friends families and to chase around their ragamuffins until I can not take one more step! I long to spend more time with my family and in the future I see us connecting the miles we are apart a little bit more often. I see life in my future. A life filled with ups and downs but I also see excitement around every unexplored corner. I see time moving past as I wish it to slow down. 

Today I challenge all of you to stop for one moment. Sit down and allow yourself to breathe in and take in the last few days of summer. I challenge you to let yourself escape and think of the memories you have that make you smile. Feel them fill your heart and transform your day. Most importantly allow yourself to dream about the future. Remember that you choose the path you take in life and you can create your destiny. More importantly you can choose happiness and overcome adversity. You can choose life and choose to the live that life and surround yourself with complete unconditional love and pure happiness!

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