February 15, 2015

By The Grace of Time

Poems have been written in the name of its purity. Songs try to capture that private feeling made so public in our lives. It has been called a euphoric moment that we feel so deep and so instantly. A place we all long to be in and a moment we strive to keep so focused as time pulls us farther and farther away from that point on our map of life. In all its beauty when you brush the curtain to the side you see its resonating light and see the conclusion of it in pain and suffering. Once its gentle kiss on your cheek fades into the other moments written on your heart a scar is formed that will be carried through the rest of your journeys. It fades ever so slightly minute after minute.....day after day and years later the feeling is often completely forgotten. That is until you stumble into its path once more. Love roots itself in joy, flourishes as we feed it and can wither into something that once was so beautiful but now is blown free as the breeze carries each brown petal into the wind of change. 

In the deepest darkest moments of our lives we find heartache, pain and sorrow always where love once flourished. The harder we grasp to the dead petals that time has withered no amount of gentleness will recreate the beauty of the love that once was but now is no longer. In the scars of lost love we find beauty within ourselves. The love we once basked in from another must be recreated within yourself. The shine now can not be found within the intertwined hands of two. You must open those tightly clasped hands of loss and grief and reach to the sky as only one and show the world your resonating glow within. 

As the grief and loss is released your light becomes a beacon for others. The beautiful light you hold within yourself shines so bright and others are attracted to this light you emanate. The love you have always held within is the sole source of clarity. Clarity that allows the curtains that hid the pain of love disappear showing purity of your soul to others. You have become an open book that others are anxious to read and the rare find a place for themselves within your next chapter. Once more you are able to carry on and the tight grip that grounded you so has become a moment of your life that has allowed release and is the first step on your new journey. 

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