April 11, 2015

Marrying Kind

I was never the little girl that dreamt of her wedding or liked to play bride. I loved looking at wedding pictures but the act of getting married, planning a wedding or even being the bride was so far from my mind as a  little girl. Maybe it was because of the years of dance classes and all the fluff that went along with the twirls, taps and jazz hands......yes, I said jazz hands! I think that explains why I hate to wear makeup or spend time on that crazy blond mop that sits on the top of my head. My mama spent hours curling, braiding and pinning that crazy untameable mop. She also spent so may hours of her life doing my makeup for those all important competitions and recitals. I can still remember the glasses of water spilled and the yellow rattail comb that found its way to the side of my head telling me to be still or else I would be dancing with one side of my face "painted". Oh the joys of being a little girl or should I say a mom of a little girl!!! 

As I grew older I grew out of the fluff of tutus and fell in love with no shoes, ponytails and dusty desert roads. I settled into not washing my hair for days and hearing relentless teasing from my sister for it. I can still remember my first boyfriend I had in my twenties and it hitting me like a ton of bricks that I am at the age where I may meet the one who ended up staying forever. Talk about a shock to the system!!!! That one entered and exited my life like others would leading me up to the one who would stay forever. 

In two weeks, two days and forty five minutes, yes, I have created a countdown, I will have to dig deep for my own inner fluff and change from a no shoes, dirty ponytail girl from the country and desert to my inner bride that has been hidden for so many years! Like everything else in my life it will not be traditional but speaks of who Greg and I are as individuals and as a couple. It has been our way or the high way since the beginning and it turned out that our way would lead to the highway for our wedding. It all starts when a plane touches down in the beauty of the caribbean and will end with vows wrote directly to each other and music chosen as the soundtrack to the start of our life. The beginning of the rest of my life, our life. For better, for worse and most importantly in sickness and in health. 

By the way, Lupus, your not invited!!!

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