As I contemplate on the eve of my life changing I stop and reminisce on my life up to this point. It has not always been easy. It has been filled with heartbreak, untouchable adventures and moments filled with growing pains that lead me in the right direction. Some call it life, others call it the passing of time but I believe it is called bravery.
The road laid out in front of me even before my first step was riddled with twists and turns. There were moments in dark forests that never lead to clarity. I had to take it upon myself to cut down the trees that sheltered me in order to find the warmth of the sun once more. Time stopped in those moments and never ending pain set in. Just when I thought I could no longer bear it I always found my way. Fear was replaced with a rejuvenated sense of hope. The light that had been dimmed by others was sparked once more for the world to see. My heart became a beacon of life. It sent out a light that may only shine as one but was seen by many.When others around me gave up I chose not to give in. I put on my big girl pants and lifted my chin. Smiles were forced until they came naturally. Pain diminished and once again I could remember my purpose.
This beautiful life was indeed placed in the path of others for a reason. I can rain down laughter when everyone else cries. I feel immense physical pain only to dismiss it so that I can be an example on how to carry on. I have had to memorize the backs of others as they walk away only to turn around and see a new smile in my life, my very own. My smile was never lost, just misplaced at times.
Some call this life. I call it endurance. Some call it the passing of time. I call it healing. I may have had the road laid out in front of me. It may be filled with twists and turns but I decide how to walk down it. I decide to dance in the darkness of the forest. I decide to spin on my tippy toes through the pain. I decide to stay when others choose to leave. I choose hope, faith and love. Bravery is not for the faint of heart but I know bravery is beautiful.
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