January 21, 2016


Deception does not dance among the light we see but lies below the surface in things we do not. It creeps in on us on the shoulders of surrounding shadows. Our hearts are filled with the darkness until the once beautiful beats of a pure heart turn to dark shocks. Paralyzed it leaves us and questions soar around our lives. The frightening thing about deception is that we each are responsible for it. You may be the one creating the lies that deceive others but you may also find yourself on the receiving end. In order to loosen its grip responsibility must be claimed and finally the first step out of the dark is possible. 

The true beauty of life is only seen from the healing heart. You no longer are taken for granted and you have the chance of real happiness once more. You slowly walk out of the shadows and heal with every breath you take. Light nourishes your soul. Love is once more reintroduced into the web you have weaved. Once by one the threads are cut down. Finally you can look in the mirror and see who you truly are through your own eyes as the clouds of something that resembled your life move past. For me it was never the calm before the storm. It was the cleanliness that was left after the terrible rain that left me feeling rejuvenated and alive once more.  

Time passes no matter how much we wish it would slow down. Life moved on and your purpose is still out there waiting for you to reach out and grab it at the first opportunity. There is no more darkness before the dawn. We live in a constant glow of the first morning light. Peace has silently settled in around us. Every morning there is joy, no regret and pure happiness for just being alive. Negativity has melted around me and is nothing more than a puddle for me to jump in as I look up and see the rainbow that is my life and giggle as I leave it behind.

I am forever grateful for moments that sit in my past. I visit those moments less and less. I do not feel the need to dwell in what once was but to open my eyes and see what really is. I am even more grateful that the past IS the past. Happiness never truly lived there and deception became a shadow that followed me as others threw it in my path. I am finally free! I am free to build a beautiful life with a beautiful soul. What I feared was the end at one time was not even close to the beginning. Today I sit in pure peace of mind and tomorrow, well, tomorrow is yet to come but holds so much hope and possibility. I see my purpose right out in front of me and finally I am free to reach out and grab it. Life no longer sits on the sideline waiting for me but instead life can barely keep up.

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