January 29, 2017

Our Bond

What you mean to me does not reach to the depths of pure expression. The gift that I have been given is unmeasurable and truly priceless. I feel you almost everyday now. Your little wiggles and kicks deep within. I see you little one and I truly feel the meaning behind true inner beauty because that is all I know of you. Your life force grows everyday and you and me, we are doing this together. A mother and daughter bond that is created through the daily battle of survival. I am you and you are me. Together, right now, we are each other's other half. There is no me without you and there is no you without me. 

The journey to you started even before I thought of having you. So many roadblocks kept me from realizing you and people tried to stop us from being together. I persevered and found within myself the desire to have you was stronger than any love I thought I knew. Your daddy walked into my life when I knew with certainty that life would not be complete here on earth if I did hear the laughter that time absorbs and stamps my heart with forever.

The fight was harder and defeat was so close I could reach out and touch it. I could not give up on myself and in retrospect it was you I could not give up on. I knew deep down you were on your way and one day you would find your way home to us. You see, your mama has been on some amazing adventures in her life and have been blessed to see places most will never see. Had I passed you by the most amazing adventure would have slipped through my hands like the desert sand. For you my love, you are the grandest adventure of all. The beauty in the path we have had to travel to find you is marked with courage, scars and grace......your namesake. You make our journey worthwhile. I would travel the same path once more knowing it would lead me to you.

Lillian Grace you are our life love song. 

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