September 3, 2014

Summer Anthem

Sometimes songs come along at just the right moment in your life. They make you cry, laugh or just turn it up so loud that you have to scream to the lyrics if you want to even begin to sing along!!!!!!! For me these moments in life always tend to fall at the end of another season of summer. The wind has a different feel to it and you know the end of the year is approaching fast. You are left pondering the last nine months and what you would change and will resolve to change in the upcoming year. I like to think of this song as my summer anthem. A song that will slowly disappear as the days grow shorter, nights longer and the breeze has the familiar feel of cooler days to come. 

The summer winds brought so much change to my life this year. As an old relationship slipped away and I closed that door there was a new knock. A knock that begged for me to open and see just what was on the other side. As the cautious side of me wanted to crack the door ever so slightly to see what could be making all that racket, another side of me came forward. A side that demanded change and more importantly demanded chance. 

I threw the door open jumping up and down clapping as new adventures and people ran through! One common characteristic were the smiles strewn on everyone's face who I came in contact with. From a little one who lights up every morning when I come through the door to the little two year old I come home to every night. I am blessed to have had that door swung open by love and laughter when the tears needed to be caught. My new chosen family has been defined and as some left, others stayed  and new faces emerged in the crowd that have lit up every moment of my life since the summer winds blew into town. The groups I once belonged to or looked at from a distance in envy no longer matter or even cross my mind. I am comfortable in my summer flip flops watching from a distance through my summer sun glasses.

Now as the wind changes ever so gently and the hot summer nights are a bit cooler I feel the need to play my summer anthem once more. Flip flops on and sun glasses down I dance, bob and weave through the house screaming the words just so I can say I am singing along. Goodbye summer of firsts and hello to the ending of a year of lasts.


  1. I love your attitude and how you shared this with all of us! I feel like I know more about you now and look forward to reading more here!

    1. Thank you so much for the support!!!!!! It is nice to be reminded you are not alone in this world no matter what your days and nights may bring<3
