July 31, 2012


A few years ago I had heard that there was a book out there that I needed to read. It wasn't a book about Lupus or anything related to my disease, it was a book about Randy Pausch and his final months living with terminal cancer. He lectures about remembering your childhood dreams and how each and every one of us has the ability to achieve these dreams no matter what hand we are dealt in life. He reflects on his life and how he was able to make his dreams come true with a little help from persistence, courage and love. 

Tim and I watched The Last Lecture and we have the book on our bookshelf. This found us at a time when we almost had given up. Life was tough and every road we turned down it seemed we ran into a brick wall. Randy Pausch talks about these brick walls. He simply states that these walls are not there to keep us out but they are there to push us to be better......as he puts it,"They are there for the other people." The ones who run into a roadblock and turn and choose to go down an easier path. It is a simple philosophy that resonates in all of us. 

It was a humbling moment when you realize life is not that bad and everything will get better and things could always be worse. I love how he poses the question are you a Tigger or an Eeyore in this life. Will you sulk and feel sorry for yourself or will you shrug and say oh well? 

I choose to be a Tigger and as Tigger puts it:

The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things. 
Their tops are made of rubbers
The bottoms are made of springs.
Fun, fun, fun, fun, FUN!!!

The wonderful thing about Tiggers 
Is I'm the only one 

I'm the only one ! 

July 29, 2012

Faith and Fate

What do you think about when you lay your head on the pillow at night???? Hopefully you daydream yourself into this blissful state that allows the sheep to come out and play while you count them as your dreams take form. That would be wonderful and I am sad to report that most people I know lay in bed fighting sleep while going over the next days activities in their minds. You wrestle with all the outcomes and possibilities until you make yourself sick  and at this point you may only get three hours of restful sleep.......no wonder everyone is so tired!!!!! 

It is this unknown that tends to frighten us the most. Will the presentation at work go well, why does the teacher want to talk to me about my kids and I have soooooo many things to do and not enough time. I want you to stop right now and try to remember your worries of yesterday and compare them to what actually happened. Most of the time everything tends to fall in place just as it should. So why is it that we make ourselves sick with worry about everything under the sun?

The unknown is the one thing we can not control and prepare for. When I first started getting sick I did not sit down and have a conference call with my lungs, joints and kidneys to make sure they were all on the same page. They were my unknown and still are. They are also the things in my life that scare me and can shake me to my core. I can drink water only for two years straight and still have some kidney issues. It is not something I can plan for ahead of time. It just happens and you have to trust that it happens for a reason. 

I have to be honest and admit that I am not 100% sure what I believe in when it comes to the after life but I do believe in faith and I believe in fate and I truly believe they go hand in hand. Maybe it is something I tell myself to make all of the unexpected ok and worth something even when it tears you down. It allows me to deal with the unknown and answer the questions asked of me in this life. I am sick and right now I am sicker than I have ever been so far. I am terrified of the unknown. I look at people who have battled my disease.......did they know when it was coming to an end? Could they look at their families and in one moment know that they will be ok? Did they go through the last year and treasure every moment because they would not see the next year? These are tough questions no one should have to think about, especially at 33. 

I truly believe I am sick for a reason. I may not understand this reason right now and I may never know but someone will. Maybe answers will be found within my genetic makeup and another generation will not be sick and cures will be found. I may not get to physically see this but someone will and  my life and suffering will have been completed in that one moment. 

I have faith in my fate.


July 26, 2012

Poo on Prednisone!!!!!!!!!

Self esteem is something we learn about during those "special" changes when we were younger. Moms and dads all over the world build up their children to believe they are amazing and can do no wrong. As they should! It builds a great sense of self as you grow older and morph into this adult out in the real world. This self esteem allows you to flourish in new scenarios, have confidence in yourself and truly is tool that you collect along the way in life.

As someone with an auto immune disease this self esteem becomes very important to you as a person. You feel like your insides are wilting but you look perfect form the outside. It really can mess with your noggin and the noggin of your loved ones. Yes, she says it is hard to walk but those rosy cheeks make her look raring to go! So many of us wish those rosy cheeks were from excess energy trying to escape from our pores BUT noooooooooooooooo, it has more to do with the disease and what you are ingesting to help those insides catch up with your outsides. 

With Lupus and the methotrexate combination I have brought an over active immune system down below the normal range. Basically it is the same as if you had no immune system at all. You start with this overactive immune system that thinks your good bits are bad and stages an all out war to clear your body of what it thinks are "bad" bits. So, you then ingest medication that drops that immune system and weakens it so that it is tooooooo tired to fight. The double edge sword to this is that your body stops attaching itself but is to weak to even fight off normal bad goop that tends to fester in all of us. What you are left with is a shell that is perfect for bacteria and viruses to make a home in. All of us who deal with this understands there is this very fine line and normally it is leaning more towards one way or the other and the basic science of balancing your immune system is almost impossible. 

I feel as if this fine line has been so blurry over the last year and I find my immune system tends to go one way or the other and never can balance itself just right. I developed strep throat this past October and it seems that this set off a snowball of issues that we have been treating with antibiotics, steroids and basically anything the doctor can throw at it. It is frustrating, heart breaking and just plain hard most of the time. The belief that medicine is good for and is there to help you changes and eventually your body just has enough and gives up. My body has been at the giving up stage for some time. I myself have not given up......my spirit and outlook continues to be positive but that faith in medicine and doctors have been shaken. This is where that self esteem comes into the picture, especially for me. The doctors really are doing their best and you have to surrender complete faith in their decisions to get you form point A to point B. You take the medicine, it may not be pretty and you ask questions but you have to be very sure about who you are to deal with some of the changes you encounter along the way.

The issue I am currently having is prednisone. If you have ever been on steroids for a long period of time and are reading this you are automatically shaking your head and you don't even know it!!!!! It is such a potent drug and that is the GOOD thing about it. It seems to shock your system and shape it right up. There is less pain, the breathing is not as labored and whatever goop is living in your nose, well, prednisone is the perfect eviction notice! The bad part:s no sleeping, loss or gain in appetite, taking on water, moodiness, moon face and an overall feeling that your wobbly bits are getting even more wobbly! I know, vanity is horrible but you and I both know it is always there. You can literally see the change over night. My face is very round right now and believe me, those bits wobble even more at this point in time! I look in the mirror and think to myself who is that and what did they do with my body???? It is the invasion of the prednisone body snatchers!!!! 

Yes, I am laughing right now and making light about something very serious but my self esteem allows for that. I know this is a phase in treating my disease and it may be one the lasts longer than I would hope but I surround myself with people who love me for me. It truly is the cliche.......you have to love the person on the inside not just the beauty on the outside. Tim always smiles at me and I will cry at times because this disease has robbed me of so much already and I want to spare myself just a little dignity and grace. Tim just hugs me and asks me if I am the same person on the inside that I was when he opened the door many years ago and saw me for the first time. I tell him of course and he smiles and says that is what matters in life.

We are all going to change as we age and some will age better than others and some will be healthier than others. It is normally not a choice we can make ourselves but one that fate touches us with. I think of it as a rabbit hole.......you may not choose the one you fall into but you can choose how you will exit. I may not be brand new and I may be scratched a bit when I crawl out but I will not be damaged and that is a choice I make for myself everyday.


July 25, 2012

Life built on love.

Generosity is the act of giving freely without expecting anything in return. 

Once upon a time a little girl was born healthy and happy! She was born into a family of a mother and a father. I am sure this little one was very spoiled by the constant attention! Over the years the family continued to grow and soon enough the little girl had a little sister to play with along with may cats and dogs. She loved her little sister soooooooo much that she would always want to help her mama with feedings and baths. As both girls grew a bit older the younger sister slobbered on her older sisters toys and that was the beginning of the natural sibling issues!

As she grew older the little girl was clumsy but still loved to dance! She started in ballet but overheard some noise in one of the other areas of the studio. After realizing it was from tap shoes she looked up at her mama and exclaimed......I WANNA MAKE NOISE!!!!!! She sure did make some noise! Her poor mama lived in a house full of tap shoe noise!!! For years she was an avid tap dancer and she was even able to convince her mama to dance with her once a year!

When the little girl was young her family dynamics changed and life as she had once known it also changed. Her mama and dad decided they could not stay married and divorced. She remembered the new stillness in the house with just her mama and sister there. It was hard but the little ladies of the house went on and life was wonderful!

Over the years it was a single parent family and the little girl's mama somehow found away to make do with very little. She would go without new clothes for years so that her growing daughters did not have holes in their shoes. She would bring the girls home Disney movies on special occasions and they would have movie nights! These moments meant so much to this little family. 

You see, the girls grew up without a lot but if you would have stopped them and asked them what they needed, they would have smiled and said absolutely nothing before running out the door to play with their friends! They may not have known what new movies were out or what the latest toy was, they knew and experienced love everyday and that was just enough. 

Time continued on and years and years later the girls are are all grown up. The older sister went on to get her degree in accounting and the younger sister has her master's in psychology. Their mama raised them well along with all of the other friends and family they were surrounded by. There were tough times along the way but that initial foundation of love that they built their lives on made everything turn out just the way it should. 

Today, Holly, the younger sister, my sister, has a beautiful life! She has the sweetest babies (Lauren and Mia) and a husband to keep her on her toes! They even have a giant fluffy dog that used to call me and talk to me over the phone! Yes Holly, I remember the days before the girls came along and I would call begging you to make Bosk talk to me! Holly, you were my first friend in this life and you are my best friend thirty three years later. Distance separates us but all I have to do is look into my heart and you are right there cheering me along the road of life. You are what I think of when I think of my soul mate......you were truly created just for me.

Mama, there is nothing to say. I am who I am today because of you. Your love and support has guided me through tough long nights. You were always there reminding me that there is a light at the end of this dark path. You have taught me about courage and instilled fight into me. You never told Holly and I we could not do something. You made sure we felt as if we had the world at the tip of our fingers and thanks to you we did. I hope we have made you proud.

My life was built on love and yes, I am may leave this world a little less healthier than when I came into it but if you would stop me today and asked me what I needed, I would smile at you and tell you  absolutely nothing as I run out the door to play with my friends!

July 21, 2012


As a teenager I despised lists! Lists were something my mama left my sister and I when she went to work: do the dishes, make your bed, clean your room, mow the grass and so on and so on and so on! I loathed those lists! They were always a piece of paper that stood in my way of fun. Darn those lists and believe me, my mama was a tough cookie.........those lists HAD to be done! It is funny how those lists seem a little more appropriate the older we get.

Now I have lists for everything!!!! I have a grocery list, I have a honey do list, I have a list of things I need to talk to the doctor about.......you get my point, my days are full of lists! There are times I resent the lists strewn out in front of me but it is necessary. Lupus demands a lot of lists! So many lists and not enough time in the day to finish them off.

One list of mine that has not gotten older and has not burdened me is my list of things I want to do in this life. My list consists of places to go, food to eat, activities to try and everything else you can think of in between! It's these lists that keep my spirits up and these lists give me something to look forward to. Here are a few items on my life list today............

Dance in the rain
Run through puddles and not think of the mud
Kiss in the rain
Snuggle in bed with my husband and child
Get lost in New York
Visit Germany and see where my life actually started
Go up in a hot air balloon
Scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef
Backpack through New Zealand
Drive through Africa and listen to the lions while I fall a sleep
Have all of my friends from around the world in one room at the same time
Have a song written about me and my silly ways
Camp in every National Park
Be a mom
Be a wife
Be a best friend
Shop in Anthropology and NOT worry about how much I spend
Spend a weekend shopping for antiques
Eat anything I want and not worry about my wobbly bits
Be the best sister I can possibly be
Be the cool aunt that everyone wants to be around
Have a puppy named Sarah 
Remember for one moment what it felt like to not be sick
Have the comfort of unconditional love
Don't worry about dying
Don't worry about anything
Taste the best cupcake in the world
Chase a kangaroo
Hold a koala bear
Swim with the dolphins
Watch sea turtles make there way out of the sea
Ride in a helicopter over the Grand Canyon...............and so on and so on!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could go on and on forever! That is the best part of life......your ability to live it and choose what it consists of. Each day only has twenty four hours. Hopefully eight of those hours are taken up with snores and amazing dreams! Those twenty four hours in the day will soon be yesterday and the lists of today become the list of things we just didn't get to. My life list will not be pushed to the side, instead it will be brought forward everyday. I will add to it the older I get and I will not look back to what I didn't get done yesterday but instead I will look  forward to the adventures of tomorrow.

July 19, 2012

Solar Eclipse

I know that I use a lot of stories and analogies while writing my blog. There are so many aspects of my disease that I don't even understand so how can I expect others reading who are healthy to understand? Well, you tie it into something basic that everyone can experience so that they can grasp a little bit of what you are trying to say. While doing this I have found that I also grasp the complexities of my auto immune issues through this process. It is a win win situation in my book!

I remember in elementary school the teacher was explaining to us what a Solar Eclipse was. I can remember her telling us the moon is passing in between the sun and the earth. We made this contraption out of a box in order to see it because you can not look directly at it. I was so excited to see this image of our sun and moon! When it happened I remember thinking to myself how beautiful it was! There was this halo surrounding the moon and it looked magical! We continued to watch as the moon moved through the path between the earth and sun but I will never forget about the angelic halo surrounding the moon.

Today I am having a solar eclipse kind of day. It is shot day and for some reason (lack of sleep) it is a very uncomfortable one. The pain is all over and there is a burning sensation when I move. I have had a lot of inflammation in the lung area over the last few months and so that delightful medicine has seemed to settle in the muscles surround my chest. I can still breathe but it feels like you have coughed for several days causing a bruised rib, that is the best way I can describe it. The legs are very achy and my ability to go up and down the steps is limited at this point. Thank goodness the bathroom is upstairs with me or that could lead to a whole new set of problems! It is a dark day....not depressing but dark none the less.

I think of me and who I am and I picture the glowing sun! I love life and everyone who truly knows me can tell you that. I love everyone in my life and try as hard as I can to make sure their lives are a bit brighter when I am around. I light up the minute Tim gets home everyday or calls me to tell me he loves me. Even with Lupus I still can find joy and light in everything I encounter. However, I have an arch enemy........methotrexate! 

This monster loves to rob light out of everything it touches. It causes pain and sadness as it moves through the body. It is my dark moon passing in front of my sunlight. Does it fully take away my light...........NO WAY!!!! It just passes over leaving a little ray of light surrounding me. It is my solar eclipse.  Yes, it will pass over fully in a day or so and the light within me will get brighter and brighter and I will be able fight harder and harder against this disease. For now I will focus on that little halo of light and remember that even in the darkest moments of my disease there is still hope and even the smallest amount of light can guide me through this storm.

July 14, 2012

Christmas in July!

Ho ho ho.........Merry Christmas........in July! 

For those of you who know me you also know that I love the holidays! I especially cherish the time from Thanksgiving up to the New Year! The food, family and festivities truly warm me up from the inside out......AND here in the desert it is finally cold! 

There are certain traditions I have for the holidays. I HAVE to bake dessert and take it to Thanksgiving dinner. My mama always taught me to NEVER show up at someone's home who is hosting dinner empty handed! I have to put the tree up the day after Thanksgiving.......oh, who am I kidding, as soon as Tim lets me put it up it is up and that is anytime in the month of November and James, Santa does come through and throws up in our house! I am a lucky girl to have someone so tolerant of my quirky habits:-) I MUST bake Christmas cookies and a LOT of them, mmmmmmmmmm!!!!! You see, these are not traditions I have just drawn from a hat and chosen to do, like any tradition I was taught this from an early age. 

My Lupus tends to really restrict my activities. Tim is very vigilant when it comes to these limitations. Tim's mom and dad and all of our friends and other family members watch over me and the first sniffle or slow movement I make I am told to relax and rest. I think Christmas is the ONLY time of the year I can get away with anything! I love it so much and everyone knows that! I will look at them with those sad Lupie eyes and stick that lip out and BAM, I can bake as many cookies as I want! No wonder it is the most wonderful time of the year! 

The real reason I love the holidays is that it brings everyone together. No distance is to far to travel to see your loved ones. No one is sick during those moments and everyone is united through celebration and just being together. I think of Christmas Eve dinner in Pasadena. After everyone is there the dinner is served and through low dim lights and candles burning we all come together for one moment. We say the family prayer and I always look around the table at everyone. I see Tim and his brother Chris joking about when they were kids. Tim's dad is laughing at the boys and Tim's mom looks at them and is so happy to just have them together in this one moment. It may have been a tough year but in that moment it feels as if this was the best year ever! 

It seems as if most of us hang on to that feeling through the beginning of the year but sometime in the spring we all tend to loose it and forgot what really is the most important thing in our lives. It isn't the doctor's appointments or the new medicine you have to try. It isn't about the sad time you have to spend isolated from the rest of the world. It is about the most simple concept and feeling you and I have.......love. We love our families and our friends and today we need to remember that the love we feel for them is not something you celebrate once a year around a candle lit table. It is something you celebrate everyday of the year for the rest of your life. You do not need a tree and carols to bring you back home. All you need is a little bit of love.

July 13, 2012

Paint your nails red!

It is so hard for me at times to make it through a rough day. I feel less than adequate and at times I feel so defeated by life and by my own body. I look around and I am surrounded by pillows, covers, movies, water and medicine. Minus the medicine it sounds like a great Saturday night in! Well, lately this is an everyday sight for me when I open my eyes in the morning. So the question remains.....how do you get through this time with an ounce of dignity and self worth????? I have figured out this time consuming question for all of us...........PAINT YOUR NAILS RED!!!!!

I love my magazines! I love everything from Real Simple to People and everything in between! Especially in the summer you see so many feet in these magazines! Everyone is wearing a little less and showing off their feet by showcasing them in beautiful sandals. I am instantly drawn to this bright spot that graces the pages......they almost all have red toenails! Is that the key to their glow????? No, that would be LOTS of airbrushing but still when I see red toenails I think of something happy. I think of swimming at the pool, spending time with my sister and most of all I think red nails look sexy!

There is no blushing permitted when reading!!!! For some reason red nails make me feel more like a woman. It is so hard to feel good about yourself all the time in this life we have been selected to live. I find nothing attractive about throwing up after new medicine has been introduced, recovery after surgery and the tears that just can not stop from spilling over. BUT I do feel better going through all of that with a little grace and red nails! 

July 11, 2012


When I was a kid I would sneak and watch scary movies telling myself that my mama was wrong and I was old enough. I would watch them and almost jump out of my britches during those silly scary moments! It was so much fun! What I didn't take into consideration is how I would feel after watching the movie. I would lay in bed and every shadow was a ghost, every noise was Freddy Krueger scraping his nails and every dream was a nightmare! Holly, my sister, and I shared a room and I would sneak into her bed at night just so I would not be afraid. Yes, I also logically told myself that she is now closer to the door.......the ghosts will have to take her first! Sorry Holly, I love you! After all of this I still watch scary movies and yes, I still run from the bathroom to the bed room because the ghosts are chasing me, I just know it!  

For me, fear is not just something I feel after a scary movie, it is a constant feeling that can grip your mind and bury itself in your soul. For me, running from fear is not as easy as going from one room to the other. I can not escape the fear that haunts me when it comes to my disease. Instead of seeing ghosts I feel a new pain or a new sensation that you know is not right. I find myself asking questions on my Lupus forum just to see if anyone else experiences these new feelings. My biggest fear is that something will go wrong internally and it will alter my life even more. I am afraid of my kidneys failing. I am afraid I will have a stroke because my blood pressure is high even on two medications. I am afraid that one morning I will not be able to dress myself and I will become even more dependent on my loved ones than I already am. I am afraid that some loved ones will not be able to handle the future with me and the elephant in the room called Lupus. I know, these are a lot of things to be afraid of but they are real for me in that moment.

Fear can be paralyzing and can lead to a more secluded life and mental state. This can not only debilitate you emotionally, it can change your life in a physical way. So, how do we deal with this fear? This is not only a question for others who suffer from an autoimmune disease, it is a question for everyone who at one time or another has let fear change their life. I have learned to truly take responsibility for what I am feeling. The first thing we have to do is acknowledge that fear exists for us. You can not do this by just mentally thinking it......you really have to do something to express it. You can write it down, tell a friend or discuss it with your doctor. For me, it is my best friend and partner , Tim, who helps me navigate through my fears. You will be surprised how much has been lifted off of your shoulders just by telling someone what you are feeling. It allows you to again move through life and get on with your day. Believe me, you will still have moments where fear stops you in your tracks and that is ok but knowing how to deal with fear at that moment is a life saver!

While laying in bed as a kid I would run though my mind all of the special ways I could fight off the ghosts in my shadows. They were my bag of tricks and they would save me! Today, I have new tools and dealing with fear is one of the most important. So, next time you are afraid just think of your special bag of tricks you have. You do have a special tool in your bag and it is just simple communication! Just pull it out when you are ready and fight your heart out and you will see that fear is just as self created as those ghosts in the corner. 

July 8, 2012


Growing up I absolutely loved spring time! The grass was turning green, you could play outside without your coats on and the days started getting longer and longer. As a kid what is there not to love about that time! Most of all I loved counting the days until school let out for the summer! Spring time initiated the global countdown for long nights chasing lightning bugs,eating your ice cream so fast so it would not melt all over you and just laying in the sun with no shoes on! Summer could not last long enough for any of us. Summer was the first love I have ever had.......ok, ice cream and cake, those were my first loves!

As you get older the outlook on summer changes. It seems more of a pain than a magical moment in time. Work calls on you everyday and those kids you love so much.....well, you have to pay someone to take them and care for them as much as you would. Summer is just not the same and never will be. Those care free moments have slipped away and the burden of being a grown up hits you like a ton of bricks!During summer I just pray that the air conditioning in the car will at least keep me from sweating through my clothes! 

For those of us with autoimmune diseases summer brings on another heartache......the sun and heat! You see we suffer from a diseases that makes being in the sun literally painful and I don't mean from a sunburn! Our bodies tend to freak out when it comes to, well, anything! We have to take such potent medications that they change the makeup of our system that was going haywire to begin with! So, with the diseases itself and the medicine treating the disease summer is not a match made in heaven for us anymore!

This Fourth of July I really wanted to feel normal! For those of you who know me that can be a far stretch, hehehehe! I wanted to try to enjoy myself and do everything that everyone else is doing. I wanted to lounge by the pool and stay out until it was dark for fireworks! I wanted to eat a blue snow cone and watch kids play everywhere! I wanted to feel that love for summer again! Well, I did it! Before you get to excited let me tell you what happened afterwards. 

The first thing I did was stay up so late on fireworks night and watched the most amazing fireworks! The kids were oooooing and ahhhhhhing! There was so much joy in that moment and it truly reminded me of being a kid. Well, the next morning I was exhausted. I took my medicine late and the effects lasted all day from taking it so late. I slept off and on and I knew shot day was going to be bad. Instead of dwelling on it I decided I would perform my next summer task........enjoy the pool all day! I lathered myself up with SPF 80 and floated on a floaty all day! I reapplied every hour and just relaxed in the water. One thing I forgot to mention before the pool idea was that I have medication that reads right on the label.....STAY OUT OF THE SUN THIS MEDICATION COULD INCREASE THE ABSORPTION RATE OF THE SUN! As the night settled in I took a shower to wash the chlorine off and you know what is coming next........the sting when the water hits a fresh sunburn! How could this happen when I applied sunscreen every hour and it was SPF 80???? I guess those warning labels in the medication are really there for a reason:-) Not only did I have a sunburn but my body itched and little spots popped out and the exhaustion rate tripled at this point and yes, shot day was a pain in the rear!

My love of summer over the last ten years has truly changed. I now get the summer blues. I know I can not go outside and play with my friends. I know that I need to wear a long sleeve shirt when it is 115 out and this can make me so sad. I see everyone's vacation pictures and I am jealous of the fun in the sun. I want to go to the beach and I want to have enough energy to play the next day and the one following it but I can't. I am not admitting defeat, I am just accepting what my abilities are at this point. Summer lasts only a short period and I am thankful to live in a state that offers year round beautiful weather. In the winter it gets cool enough to actually feel comfy in those long sleeve shirts in the sun and THAT is what I look forward to! Tim always fills up our winters with tons of camping and outdoor activities because he knows the heat and the sun and me do not have a good relationship!

Now the question remains, what do I do with myself for the next three months? I have a challenge for all of you. Yes, I mean all of you......even you without an autoimmune disease! Get out! It is very easy to fall into the hum drum of staying indoors and avoiding the day all together but that is not healthy for any of us, physically or emotionally. My goal for myself is that I will do a new activity every week! This week I went to The Albuquerque Museum! I was indoors surrounded by gentle quietness at the same time as being surrounded by people. It was wonderful and I felt so much better afterwards! This next week I am going to go to the zoo! Yes, it is outdoors but I will go very early and make my rounds outside when the sun is just staring to warm up and then when the sun comes up explore the exhibits inside! I encourage all of you to do the same thing. Lets fall back in love with summer and stop counting down the days until winter. Lets go back to being kids and looking forward to the long days! Oh and one more thing you must do every week is pick up an ice cream cone and see if you can finish it outside before it is all over you!

July 6, 2012

I'm not ok!!!!!!!

There are moments in my life when I just want to jump out of my car in the middle of the freeway and yell at the world! I want to tell the world and everyone in it to just stop and let me get my bearings on my life. I want to scream at everyone that I am not ok and I need you to know that! I want to scream that I have a disease that has changed my life and I need to catch up because I feel like I am constantly falling behind. I want to revert back to being a toddler and stop my feet, throw things and just slam a door! I need to get it out and I need to be heard!!!!!

Lupus can be a very lonely and angry disease and it can make you feel so isolated. I am always surrounded by love and support but even with all of that love and support loneliness and even anger tends to creep up and grip you from behind with no warning at all. Everyone tries to understand what you are going through. They ask questions and I am always happy to answer them but afterwards it can be hard. You realize that even thought they want to know they will never feel what it is like having Lupus. You are alone with your disease and angry with your disease!

This loneliness and anger can leave you with a lot of questions for yourself with no answers. The doctors can not fix this with a magic pill. It is just something you have to blindly feel your way through. We have to learn to cope with this loneliness and this anger on our own and in our very personal, individualized ways. I can do it and you can do it! We just have to remind ourselves that this loneliness and anger does not hold on for ever, it tends to let go and may creep back up on your from time to time. 

With all of that said, feel free to stomp your feet, throw something (preferably soft) and slam a door! Get angry and feel what it is you need to feel! Go back to being three! It really does help! It helps the frustrations, loneliness and anger. It allows you to be heard! When all of that is over and you have slammed enough doors and yelled as loud as you can remember to tell yourself that this too shall pass and happier days are ahead and it is time to pick yourself back up, dust off your shoulders and move along.