October 27, 2015

Round One

There are not a lot of things in this world I know for sure. Two things my mama always taught me when I was younger that would guide me in adulthood is that you need to treat people the way you would want to be treated in every situation and to share, share, share!!!!! Well, I am sure the later of the two pertained more to toys with my siblings and not my overall life. My mama taught me very well as you can read! When I started the IVF process I anticipated the sharing would be bumped up a notch and some simple compromises would need to occur......I had no idea what I was in for!!!

As a patient with Lupus I have grown accustomed to sharing my life and my body with medicine. I am proud to choose teaching facilities so that others coming up into the medical field will develop a knowledge for this rare disease that affects each of its hosts a bit different. I spread awareness daily and pride myself in the knowledge I can pass on to those who have never been affected by an autoimmune disease. It is a kaleidoscope of ever changing colors. Just when we think we have the upper hand on everything we are shocked with a set back. To say the least, I have lots of experience sharing.

My life is no longer shared with the medical field. My life is dictated by medicine. Our ritual begins at 6 pm. Everything is gathered at the kitchen table. We make washing our hands silly and a time to catch up on light facts from our days. Greg is the mixologist and he helps me add the saline to the powder. We stare in awe as we watch the immediate result of clear liquids. Once our science lesson is over for the night the hard part begins. Two injections in the tummy......that is not a fun shot spot and I know shots!!!!! The medicine burns as it goes in and within a hour the headache that never went away from the day before is back with a vengeance followed by constant abdominal cramping that only is relieved when lying in the comfort of my own bed. Days seep into the nights and before we know it we are always sitting at the dining room table in the evening ready for the next round. 

Once the shots move through my system the doctors take control of everything!!!! They dictate when I see them and with IVF it is not on your schedule per say but your inner bodies clock that keeps everyone involved ticking. Mornings are fast becoming reserved for blood draws and internal ultrasounds. All sense of normalcy and privacy has exited the building leaving you feeling crazy and wondering if it is just the hormones talking. At least on the way into the building you are greeted like Norm on Cheers. It is their smiling faces that keep you moving forward from one room after the other and chatting about your weekends. My IVF team are becoming fast friends and family. They are creating my family, so rightfully so.

With the loss of self and constantly injecting medication you would think I am crazy. I am not a crazy. I want to be a mother. Those who have not struggled with infertility that lead to months and years of heartbreak will never be able to wrap their hearts around our struggle. What came so easy for most becomes a constant struggle for others. Understanding and compassion take a backseat to phrases about having faith and being patient. Faith and patience is something we have an abundance of and now we cling to medicine to create our families. 

Today I was reminded of why I get up and repeat everything everyday. I looked at the screen as they examined me. My amazing nurse took the time to show me one half of every possibility. I saw what will hopefully become our tiny human. It renewed my sense of hope and filled me with encouragement. There is a reason I am doing all of this to my body. One day I want to walk the halls of my IVF clinic and see our family hanging on the wall thanking everyone for helping and encouraging those that are still hoping. 

October 5, 2015

You're Still Missing

He woke me up on the first cool morning of the season just so I would not miss it. The chill that surrounded each toe I stuck outside wrapped my heart in a feeling of warm joy. It is the time of year when the world sheds its layers in color embracing for the winter to follow. Time to slough off the old and start emotionally preparing for the new. It is this time of year that seems to jump start something inside of me. The summer's sun is setting earlier and as I wrap myself in a sweater I am also wrapped in the warmth from love. Love that grows with everyday and every year. A love meant to be shared with a beautiful growing family.

The time has come where I know my body has done everything it can possible do on its own. Seven supplements a day has slowly coaxed my body into a normalcy it has never known. Normalcy was not enough and where I am so proud of my body fighting so hard to make conception a possibility, it is time to let it rest and let the experts guide us on the next leg of our journey. A journey that I know will be filled with lows and possibly the most amazing high of my life, becoming a mommy. 

For the first time I have a fear living in the darkest corner of my heart. It is a fear that I have never felt while battling Lupus. It is not a fear of loosing my life but a fear of not being able to create life. I wrestle daily with the disappointment felt month after month and morn the loss of something that never was. I hold back the anger that tries desperately to bubble to the surface. I can not hate because of the time taken from me. Instead I have to come to terms that the time taken can never be returned and I have to live with the possibility that my time has just ran out. With every rise of the sun, setting of the moon and footsteps left in the sand I move forward and try hard to leave this anger behind. I prepare my heart and soul for the battle about to begin. A battle for a baby of our own that we have dreamt about our entire lives. The battle that once won will feel like a lifetime ago.

On Wednesday I will walk into the office of a doctor I never wanted to see but I am so thankful to have found. I send positive thoughts into the universe in hopes of them returning to me. I wrap my heart in bubble wrap so that it may take the pain to come but will remain whole until the day we hear our good news that our miracle has occurred. Until then I will stand tall, fill my heart with love and hope and brace myself for the hard times to come. I will be prodded and poked for something greater than myself. Someone greater than the two of us combined.
