January 30, 2014

New Life

As she pushed a new life into this world a new beginning started. Hopes and dreams of what may come filled the room as mom and dad embraced each other and as the little squeal was heard over the loud machines. Nothing could contain the cry or the joy that resulted from that first little squeak heard around the room. A moment ago agony filled the room as she was told to push one more time. Thoughts of giving up were fleeting and the torturous pain left as if it had never existed and in return a new family had begun. Love had again conquered all and the sacrifice a mother made was nothing compared to the love that now filled her heart.

As a looked into the eyes of baby Brayden I looked into the eyes of hope. Time for him had just begun, not even two days old, he emanated what love can create and reminded me of what a new beginning truly looks like. His little hand held onto my one finger and the joy I felt filled me up from my head down to my toes. His face lit up when he yawned and his little eyes rolled back as he tried so hard to fight to stay awake. Rest little Brayden.......you have your entire life ahead of you.

I am reminded during moments like these that we all started from this exact moment. There was a moment in time where we were two days old. We had no idea what life had in store for us, never had our hearts broken and only knew that unconditional love existed between those who surrounded us. The hopes and dreams that would soon fill our souls were locked tightly away in our mothers hearts where she would carry them until we were ready. The possibilities were endless and dreams could still be our reality. Only time would tell what this brilliant world had in store for each and every one of us.

One thing I have realized is that no matter how old I get, how sick I become and who is in my life........I still dream every single everyday. I dream of my future and everything that I hope it to be. I dream of the unconditional love that surrounded me at two days old and I realize I want to continue to strive for that everyday for the rest of my life. I dream that one day there will be a cure for Lupus and I can fully take my life back from this disease that likes to try and boss me around. Most importantly I dream of laughter! I laugh everyday and I am so blessed that I am able to do that. Laughter for me is the key to opening my soul. I bear all things when I laugh and do not hold back. Laughter has truly become the medicine for my life and no matter how much the pain tries to overwhelm me, if I am still able to laugh I know that everything will be ok. 

Take a moment to stop and remember that even as adults we need to dream. We need to remember that life still has endless possibilities in store for us and they key to unlocking those mysteries is through finding ways to laugh everyday! Let happiness rush over you and escape through a chuckle or two and relish in the release of joy. Time will not stand still and life will continue to move on but remember that everyday will bring new challenges, hopes and new dreams.

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